Model compassion and vulnerability

“It is call of nature for modeling a compassionate and vulnerable version of masculinity for long life years”

That is an excellent description of what the way of life entails. If you adopt the principles, then we can get closer to people and lower our own importance with the glue that sticks humanity together: compassion.

And vulnerability is part of the same equation for the way of life. It’s not easy to admit your own failures or talk about tragedies that have shaped your life, which you played a part in.

But through our own ability to be vulnerable, we get to speak our truth.

That truth defines us and unites us as people.

The compassion way of life has become a somewhat obsession and I hope to see it become fashionable. I long for the day when simple traits such as humility and compassion bring us together.

All of us can unlock this way of life and produce extraordinary results in the process. Basically, it involves embracing the philosophy that is to be a good human being.

Published by Mithipkrime

Meaning full life quotes and advice

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